Hi, my name's Ian.
I first got interested in technology and computing in particular, around the age of 10 back in the late 1970s. Days when mainframes and minis were still the thing of the moment.
I'd be the kid in the class at school taking my new digital watch apart with a watch screwdriver, for example. Not to break it you understand but I was keen to understand not just how it worked... but why it worked that way !
My fascination with technology therefore, was set at an early age. I also still feel privileged that alongside my friends, I got to see the beginning of home computing from the early 1980s onwards.
I went on to have a successful career in IT of over 30 years. After early junior support roles, I went into programming and ultimately to become a technical development manager. My specialism was across the server, storage and data centre areas but I had to keep my eyes across other IT specialisms too.
Those 30 years of experience and using so many different technologies has culminated in me wanting to strike out on my own in a totally new way.
In a world where sustainability is key, I want to try and help people make better choices when it comes to technology. To make better use of what we might already have. To try to re-use perfectly good hardware, long since abandoned by their manufacturers in terms of support and bring new life to it. That and much more.
The journey begins !